

Today, (5th of December, 2017) is the second day of the simulated exercise on Oil Spill Response which is being conducted off Dikovita. In the morning, SLCG "Suraksha", an OPV of the Coast Guard loaded oil containment booms, fast tanks and exercise teams and sailed from the Port of Colombo to the exercise area for anchorage. The supporting units, IPC’s and other assigned craft loaded balance items and moved from Dickovita Fishery Harbour to the exercise area and deployed oil spill equipment at site and remained overnight for the exercise.

During the exercise, the team took steps to deploy oil boom and lay of additional sea curtain boom to prevent the simulated spilled oil. Furthermore, additional steps were taken to prevent spilled oil reaching towards the beach. For the purpose of oil dispersion, gasoline pumps and oil dispersant chemical equipment were used.

The teams tested usage of these equipment and methodologies in the open seas and also evaluated the use of OPV as the Command and Control platform. The wind and waves proved to be a challenge and several evaluations were not carried out due to concerns of safety of the equipment and material. At the end of the day a site-de brief was held to readjust the exercise as per the prevailing sea conditions in the exercise area.