

A Seven member delegation consisted with senior officials from Japan Coast Guard (JCG) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) visited Sri Lanka Coast Guard (SLCG) from 04th to 06th December 2018 to conduct preparatory survey and discussions on ‘Detail Design on Oil Spill Incident Management Training’ with SLCG in next 03 years.

The aim of this training is to improve capability of oil spill response strike teams and enhance the capacity to combat oil spill incidents up to Tier 1 in the open seas with utilising its Fast Patrol Vessels (FPVs) of SLCG. The programme was arranged by the Government of Japan in strengthening the bi-lateral relations with the Government of Sri Lanka.

The delegation was headed by JICA senior advisor Vice Admiral (Rtd) Ishima Toshitaka and Commander Makoto Tamura of JCG, paid a courtesy call on Rear Admiral Samantha Wimalathunge Director General – SLCG at CGRHQ, Wellawatte and briefed on mission’s aim and work plan of the 03 years schedule. At the end mementoes were exchanged to mark the occasion.

The programme was included visits to two JICA granted FPVs and their Oil Spill Response Management equipment onboard, SLCG main Oil Spill Response Management equipment stores at CGS ‘Dikovita’, recent oil spill site off Colombo harbour and affected reef and beach areas, interaction with ex-participants of Japanese sponsored Oil Spill Response Management trainings, as field activities apart from bi-lateral discussions.

    Visit Onboard SLCGS 'Samaraksha' & SLCGS 'Samudra Raksha' by Japan Delegation on 04th December 2018

    Interaction with Ex - Participants of Oil Spill Response Management Training on 05th December 2018 at CGS 'Dikowita'

    Courtesy Call on Deputy Director General of SLCG on 06th December 2018 at SLCG 'Waruna' Wardroom

    Reception hosted by Director General of SLCG on 05th December 2018 at SLCG 'Waruna' Wardroom