

The Handing over ceremony of 03 No’s of Jet ski rescue boats donated by Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) under the direction of Minister of Tourism Development, Wildlife and Christian Religious Affairs, Hon. John Amaratunge to enhance the lifesaving capabilities of Sri Lanka Coast Guard was held at SLCG Headquarters, Mirissa beach premises at 1500 hrs on 28th January2019.

In addition to donating of these boats, the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority provided financial assistance to renovate three lifesaving posts located at Mirissa, Bentota and Hikkaduwa, identifying the importance of improving lifesaving at tourist attracted beaches for sustainability and development of the tourism industry in the country.

This Jet Ski rescue boats are capable to reach up to a speed of 80 kmph and they will definitely enhance the SLCG lifesaving capacity enabling quick access to distressed personnel at distance. New Jet Skis will be deployed at three main tourist attracted beaches; Mirissa, Bentota and Hikkaduwa where beaches are considerably lengthy and crowded with both local and foreigners throughout the year.

MP Monitoring Ministry of Tourism Development, Wildlife and Christian Religious Affairs Hon, Sujith Sanjaya Perera graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and the Director General of Sri Lanka Coast Guard Rear Admiral Samantha Wimalathunga, Director of Tourism Development Authority, senior officials from SLCG, representatives from government organizations and officials of Sri Lanka Lifesaving Association also attended the ceremony. A lifesaving skill display was conducted during the ceremony showcasing the professional competency of lifesavers of SLCG.

The Director General of Sri Lanka Coast Guard Rear Admiral Samantha Wimalathunga welcomed all participants and stated that Sri Lanka Coast Guard has established thirteen (13) lifesaving posts in tourist attracted beaches around the country and total of 1219 numbers of lives have been saved to date, including 515 lives of foreign nationals. Further he added, SLCG will continue to enhance its lifesaving capabilities while contributing to the development of tourism industry to ensure safe beaches for visitors.

The MP Monitoring, Ministry of Tourism Development, Wildlife and Christian Religious Affairs Hon, Sujith Sanjaya Perera addressing the gathering stated that this is a mile stone in the project of establishing and developing of twenty-five lifesaving posts around the country and he was delighted and proud of the professionalism displayed by the lifesavers of SLCG at the lifesaving demonstration conducted at the event. At the end of the event, Director General of Sri Lanka Coast Guard presented a token of appreciation to the Monitoring MP of Ministry of Tourism Development, Wildlife and Christian Religious Affairs Hon, Sujith Sanjaya Perera to mark the occassion.