

The SLCG has conducted offshore oil spill response exercise off Colombo harbour with the participation of the JICA and Mobile Cooperation Team of JCG members. This particular exercise is mainly focused on evaluation the knowledge and practical applications of oil spill response skill of the SLCG which inculcated by the MCT-JCG during the phase II (2019- 2021). The phase II was intended for developing SLCGs’ co-competencies in response to the offshore oil spill response by the mobile platforms. During this training evaluation exercise, the SLCG personnel on board SLCG Samudraraksha and SLCG Samaraksha have demonstrated their professionalism, capacity and confidence in response to the offshore oil spills in the future.

This vital training received from JCG is indeed an excellent opportunity for SLCG to provide an effective response to the oil spill incidents in both sea, harbour and coastal areas. In addition to that all participants and the crew onboard oil spill response ships were benefited from facilities provided by the Government of Japan and knowledge extended by the Mobile Cooperation Team of the JCG on the effective implementation of oil spill response techniques that swiftly address potential oil spill accident within Sri Lankan waters.

Finally, it would be a great pleasure and the SLCG could further enhance their capabilities in collaboration with JICA and JCG. Developing a strong bond would definitely be beneficial in working closely together to tackle maritime safety challenges SLCG that face at present and in the future. SLCG expected that Japan government; JCG and JICA will continue to be an imperative partner and provide assistance for promoting operational capabilities and capacities of oil spill response in the SLCG.