

Japan Coast Guard (JCG) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has conducted the advisory service for improving oil spill response capabilities for SLCG through the phase I project from 2015- 2017( Basic coastal oil spill response training up to tier 1) and the phase II project from 2019 – 2021 ( Oil spill response skills at sea by boat). As a phase III of above project 06 officials from JCG and JICA arrived on 12 Feb 22 and held initial planning meeting on 13 Feb 22 at SLCG rear headquarters at SLCG Waruna. As a result of the discussion conducted, a Record of Discussion has been signed between JICA and SLCG for the project for institutionalization support to establish an in-house advanced oil spill incident management training programme for disaster mitigation and marine environment protection on 04th May 2022 at SLCG Waruna.

Director General SLCG Rear Admiral Anura Ekanayake and JICA Chief Representative Mr Yamada Tetsuya have signed the Record of Discussion. Director Training SLCG Captain HAC Priyantha, JICA Senior Representative,Mr. Takashima Kiyofumi and JICA Senior Project Specialist Mr. Cabral Indika also attended this event as representatives from SLCG and JICA.