

Another five local males were rescued by Sri Lanka Coast Guard lifesavers attached to Mount Lavinia Lifesaving Post from drowning and dragging away on 12th August 2023 in three successful rescue attempts.

In the afternoon, two local teenagers who were in age 19 and 17 years have visited to Mount Lavinia beach to bath at sea. After sometime, they were in danger of drowning and dragging away due to sea currents. The eyes of the vigilant Coast Guard lifesavers touched at once and reached towards the victims quickly to rescue. The skilled lifesavers managed to brought them carefully towards the ashore. Followed by first aid, the rescued persons were handed over to their relatives.

On the same day evening, Coast Guard lifesavers rescued another three locals in two successful attempts at the Mount Lavinia beach.

Two males aged 45 and 17 were suddenly drowning when they were bathing at sea. The alerted Coast Guard lifesavers quickly responded and proceed toward the victims and bring them towards the ashore before happening a tragic danger. The first aid were given and handed over them to their relations.

After half an hour of time, another 21 years old youth who has visited to Mount Lavinia beach for a sea bath and was in danger of drowning. Again, the victim was successfully rescued by the Coast Guard lifesavers.

Being the South-West monsoon is active, it is noted to be careful and take precautions when bathing or swimming at sea, especially in Western and Southern coastal areas. The strong sea currents, sudden swells and height waves can be occurred at sea and it would make serious dangers.

It is commendable that, Sri Lanka Coast Guard lifesavers has rescued 177 invaluable lives including 68 foreigners within the year 2023. This is a clear indication of showing the vigilance, commitment and professionalism of Sri Lanka Coast Guard lifesavers, preforming their duties at 16 lifesaving points around the country.