

Sri Lanka Coast Guard lifesavers, attached to the Mirissa Lifesaving Post, saved three Russians, a German, and an Iranian from drowning at Mirissa beach on 23rd August 2023. Two adults , aged 38 and 27, and a 6 year-old child who were Russian nationalists were swimming at the beach when they were suddenly swept away by strong sea currents. The Coast Guard lifesavers' alertness, skillfulness, and experience could save the three lives. The same day, a German male and a 25-year-old Iranian male were also at risk of drowning due to heavy sea currents and safely rescued by SLCG.

Therefore, it is essential public to exercise caution and take necessary precautions when engaging in activities along the Western and Southern beaches of the country during the South West monsoon. Because,the activation of the South West monsoon can lead to rapid changes in sea conditions, posing risks to beachgoers.

The Sri Lanka Coast Guard lifesavers who are attached to 16 lifesaving posts around the country have rescued 190 invaluable lives including 78 foreigners during the year 2023 up to now. It is a classic example to show their professionalism, commitment and dedication beyond the limits.