
Commander of the Joint Agency Task Force - Operation Sovereign Borders Rear Admiral Brett Sonter’s Visit to Sri Lanka Coast Guard Headquarters

Rear Admiral Brett Sonter of the Royal Australian Navy, Commander of the Joint Agency Task Force (JATF) - Operation Sovereign Borders (OSB), visited the Sri Lanka Coast Guard Headquarters in Mirissa on 15th August 2024. His visit marked an important chapter in the strengthening of maritime cooperation between Australia and Sri Lanka.

Upon arrival, Rear Admiral Sonter, first secretary of Australian High Commission in Sri Lanka Inspector Paul Edwards and the JATF-OSB delegation were warmly received by Rear Admiral Rajapriya Serasinghe, the Deputy Director General of the Sri Lanka Coast Guard. Following this high-level meeting and exchange of souvenirs, an insightful presentation on the functions and operational capabilities of the Sri Lanka Coast Guard was delivered by a Senior Staff Officer Operations. The presentation highlighted the strategic importance of the SLCG in safeguarding Sri Lanka’s maritime domain and its ongoing efforts in combating maritime crimes.

During his visit, Rear Admiral Sonter had the opportunity to tour the Coast Guard’s operation room, where he gained firsthand insight into the command and control mechanisms that guide the SLCG’s day-to-day activities. This was followed by witnessing a lifesaving demonstration, showcasing the SLCG’s readiness and commitment to protecting lives at sea.

The visit highlighted the official handover of an all-terrain vehicles to Director General of the SLCG Rear Admiral Pujitha Vithana by the Rear Admiral Sonter marking the enhancing SLCG’s operational capabilities, particularly in search and rescue missions, environmental monitoring, and anti-smuggling operations.

The visit concluded with a lunch hosted in honor of Rear Admiral Sonter and the JATF-OSB delegation, providing an opportunity for further discussions on future collaborative efforts in maritime safety and security. Finally, the donation of the ATVs symbolizes the enduring spirit of international cooperation between Australia and Sri Lanka, paving the way for deeper ties and enhanced maritime security in the region.