Sri Lanka coast guard (SLCG) is the main maritime law enforcement entity in the country mandated by the parliament act and maintains close and cordial relationships with other regional and international law enforcement agencies as well as other defence and law enforcement related organizations.
Not only that this perspicuous and progressive international co-operation has paved the way to enhance the professional standard, operational readiness and effective utilization of assets of SLCG as well as to strengthen international relations in accordance with the existing foreign policy of Sri Lankan Government.
SLCG has succeeded and benefitted in multiple ways in establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with other international maritime law enforcement agencies with the vision of “A peaceful maritime environment whilst protecting national interests”. Further this international cooperation has immensely benefitted in Maritime law enforcement, Maritime and Marine environmental protection and Maritime safety sectors as well.
Further, Sri Lanka has complied to various International Conventions dealing with Maritime Safety and Security, Search and Rescue and marine environment protection. It is, therefore, SLCG responsibly works towards making the seas safe, secure, clean and serene in accordance with the international frame-work. Healthy and resilient bilateral and multilateral relations with other Coast Guards and agencies in the world is considered the key to successful progress of SLCG operations.
Sri Lanka Coast Guard (SLCG) was privileged to host the 15th Heads of Asian Coast Guard Agencies Meeting (HACGAM) – 2019, which was comprised with two (02) main events; the Working Level Meeting (WLM) and the High Level Meeting (HLM).
The HACGAM is a high-level multilateral meeting of Coast Guards and Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies to ensure the safe, secure and cleaner seas in Asian region through collaboration and partnerships. This regional forum was originated by the initiatives of Japan in 2004 with the aim of enhancing interoperability among regional stakeholders in combating common challenges threatening regional maritime domain in traditional and non-traditional formats. The HACGAM has four pillars that member agencies make cooperative and proactive efforts to achieve desired organizational goals namely
Search and Rescue
Environmental Protection
Preventing and Controlling Unlawful Acts at sea
Capacity Building
By which it facilitates addressing broader spectrum of maritime issues while strengthening and developing own capabilities.
The WLM was conducted from 08th – 11th July 2019 at Colombo with the participation of representatives from 15 member countries namely Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam whereas ReCAAP-ISC participated as an associated member and France, Bali Process and UNODC were participated as observers while France marked their presence for the first time in HACGAM.
The HLM was conducted from 07th – 10th October 2019 at Colombo with participation of Coast Guard Chiefs from twenty two (22) member states; Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei-Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippine, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam, its associate member; Re-CAAP Information Sharing Centre (ISC) and three observer organizations ; Bali Process, France and UNODC.
The HACGAM is a high-level multilateral meeting of Coast Guards and Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies to ensure the safe, secure and cleaner seas in Asian region through collaboration and partnerships. This regional forum was originated by the initiatives of Japan in 2004 with the aim of enhancing interoperability among regional stakeholders in combating common challenges threatening regional maritime domain in traditional and non-traditional formats. The HACGAM has four pillars that member agencies make cooperative and proactive efforts to achieve desired organizational goals namely
Capacity building at a national level includes the ability to provide adequate protection for maritime infrastructure, security in water under national jurisdiction and boarder protection as well as the ability to implement standard in ship security as well as cargo and port security. Most importantly human resource is the core factor to develop maritime security cooperation. In order to strengthen maritime security cooperation, enhance the interoperability among stake holders and other Coast Guards it is focused on improvement of professional standard of Coast Guard personnel through mutual study programmes, joint/ combined exercises (Field Training Exercises and Table Top Exercises), ship visits and knowledge sharing through various means. This directly remunerates the Coast Guard men by understanding different cultures, religions, cultures, best practices in the maritime discipline as well as sharing experiences and knowledge to conduct swift, bold and smooth maritime operations ensuring international standards.
Under the scope of capacity building, Sri Lanka Coast Guard maintains very close relationship with its neighboring countries as well as sub regional, regional and even beyond. Apart from receiving number of training opportunities from various countries around the world, Sri Lanka Coast Guard conducts training modules within the country in collaboration with foreign countries. Naming few, Life Saving Victoria programme for SLCG Life savers in collaboration with Australian government, Maritime Law enforcement training with the assistance of US Coast Guard, Oil Spill response training and capacity building of SLCG for oil spill related incidents with collaboration of JICA Sri Lanka and Japan Coast Guard, Vessel Boarding Search and Seizure training offered by Australian government and UNODC are some of the significant training activities in annual training calendar of SLCG.
Following pictures depicts some capacity building programmes conducted by SLCG through profound international relations.
Furthermore, Sri Lanka had been identified as one of the source countries for human smuggling which are bound for Australia, New Zealand and French territories in Indian Ocean. Constant coastal and maritime surveillance resulted in drastic reduction of human smuggling from Sri Lanka in recent years. SLCG continue to monitor suspected smuggling vessels by deploying is fleet units covering launching pads and possible smuggling routes to deter human smuggling in Sri Lanka.
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