Guard of Honor
When Call on
When Waiting on
Formal receiving, calling, attending, arrival / departure of
Head of States
Prime Ministers
Accredited Diplomats
Formal State/ Service Ceremonies/ Functions
Attending Supreme/ High Court on duty
Court Martial
Ceremonial Parades
As directed by C ofN or Competent authorities
When Call on
When Waiting on
Formal State/ Service Ceremonies/ Functions
Attending Supreme/ High Court on duty
Court Martial
As directed by C of N or Competent authorities
When Call on
When Waiting on
Formal State/ Service Ceremonies/ Functions
Attending Supreme/ High Court on duty
Court Martial
As directed by C of N or Competent authorities
When Call on
When Waiting on
Formal State/ Service Ceremonies/ Functions
Attending Supreme/ High Court on duty
Court Martial
As directed by C of N or Competent authorities
Daily wear (as per daily orders) preferably working under a roof
Daytime Formal/ Informal service ceremonies/ functions as directed by C of N or Competent authorities
When attending courts on duty as directed by C of N or Competent authorities
When Call on/ Wait on/ Reporting
Local or Foreign Visits/ Tours
Daily Wear
When attending courts on duty
Afternoon receptions
Visiting commercial and industrial places
Formal Sate/ Service Ceremonies/ Functions as directed by C of N or Competent authorities
Daily wear (as per daily orders) preferably at sea/ on field duties/ technical related work
Service functions as directed by C of N or Competent authorities
Morning PT, Evening sports party, Organized sports events and PET
Occasions other than above when directed by C of N or Competent authorities
Formal State / Service Ceremonies / Function as directed by C of N or Competent Authorities
Guard of honour / Parades
When Call on
When Waiting on
Formal State/ Service Ceremonies/ Functions
Attending Supreme/ High Court on duty
Court Martial
As directed by C of N or Competent Authorities
Daily wear (as per daily orders) preferably working under a roof
Daytime formal/ informal service ceremonies functions as directed by C of N or competent authorities
When attending courts on duty as directed by C of N or competent authorities
When call on/ Wait on/ Reporting
Local or foreign visits/ Tours
Daily wear (as per daily orders) preferably working under a roof
Daytime formal/ informal service ceremonies functions as directed by C of N or competent authorities
When attending courts on duty as directed by C of N or competent authorities
When call on/ Wait on/ Reporting
Local or foreign visits/ Tours
Daily wear (as per daily orders) preferably at sea on field duties/ Technical related work
Service functions as directed by C of N or Competent Authorities
Morning PT, Evening sports party, Organized Sports events and PET
Occasions other than above when directed by C of N or Competent Authorities
Formal State / Service Ceremonies / Function as directed by C of N or Competent Authorities
Guard of honour / Parades
When Call on
When Waiting on
Formal State / Service Ceremonies / Functions
Attending Supreme / High Court on duty
Court Martial
As directed by C of N or Competent authorities
Daily wear (as per daily orders) preferably working under a roof
Daytime Formal / Informal service ceremonies / functions as directed by C of N or Competent Authorities
When attending courts on duty as directed by C of N or Competent authorities
When Call on / Wait on / Reporting
Local or Foreign Visits / Tours
Daily wear (as per daily orders) preferably at sea and field duties / Technical related work
Service functions as directed by C of N or Competent authorities
Morning PT, Evening sports party, Organized Sports events and PET
Occasions other than above when directed by C of N or Competent Authorities
When Call on
When Waiting on
Formal State / Service Ceremonies / Functions
Attending Supreme / High Court on duty
Court Martial
As directed by C of N or Competent Authorities
Daily wear (as per daily orders) preferably working under a roof
Daytime Formal / Informal service ceremonies / functions as directed by C of N or Competent authorities
When attending courts on duty as directed by C of N or Competent Authorities
When Call on / Wait on / Reporting
Local or Foreign Visits / Tours
Daily wear (as per daily orders) preferably at sea / on field duties / technical related work
Service functions as directed by C of N or Competent Authorities
Morning PT, Evening sports party, Organized Sports events and PET
Occasions other than above when directed by C of N or Competent Authorities
During Boarding Operations
During Law Enforcement Operations
As and when ordered
During Life Saving Duty
As and when ordered
During Oil Spill Response Management Operations
As and when ordered
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