Law enforcement, in the coastal areas, the territorial waters, and the maritime zones of Sri Lanka, and high seas.
Prevention of illegal fishing in the coastal areas of Sri Lanka and the protection of fishermen including rendering assistance at sea.
Providing assistance to the Customs and other relevant authorities in counter smuggling operations and border management.
Prevention of illegal human trafficking.
Prevention of piracy.
Cooperating with the law enforcement agencies and armed forces by taking necessary measures for the suppression of destructive terrorist activities occurring within the maritime zones and the territorial waters of Sri Lanka.
Prevention of trans-boundary movement of narcotics by sea.
Rendering of necessary assistance to the relevant authorities in ensuring safety of life and property at sea.
Participating in search and rescue operations in times of natural catastrophes and providing assistance in salvage operations in relation to vessels and cargo subsequent ot such incidents and other accidents at sea.
Rendering of necessary assistance in the preservation and protection of maritime and marine environment.
Rendering of necessary assistance to relevant authorities in the implementation and monitoring of measures required for the prevention and control of marine pollution and other disasters which occurs at sea.
Rendering assistance in the conservation of marine species.
Dissemination of information including warnings by radio or any other means in time of natural catastrophes.
Providing security to maritime transportation and rending assistance to ensure navigational safety.
Performance of such other functions as may from time to time be conferred on or assigned to by the government.
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