Maritime & Marine Environmental Protection

Marine environment protection is one of the key role bridges with Sri Lanka Coast Guard in keeping with the Coast Guard act. In the midst of marine environment protection duties, SLCG is destined to:

Assist in the preservation and protection of maritime and marine environment

Assist the relevant authorities in the implementation and monitoring of measures required for the prevention and control of marine pollution and other disasters which occur at sea

Assist in the conservation of marine species

Let’s Protect Our Marine Environment

In agreement with protection of marine environment, SLCG has executed many coastal plantation programmes under numerous echo friendly social activities, by understanding its prime social responsibility.

Project ‘Punarudaya’- 2019

Green Belt Project - 2019

SLCG Waruna initiated project ‘Green Belt’ since September 2015 with the objective of cultivate trees which are suitable in coastal areas and distribute saplings to CG Stations for coastal plantation in respective areas.

Initial stage

Present status

Beach cleaning programme conducted by SLCG along with Indian Coast Guard Ships crew members

Beach cleaning as daily practice

Prompt Handling of Marine Disasters

SLCG Oil Spill Response team plays a leading role in responding to marine based disaster especially at Oil Spill incidents. In keeping with National Oil Spill Contingency Plan SLCG holds sole responsibility as,

To perform surveillance of oil slicks

To hold permanent staff for a first strike force trained and equipped to deal with an incident

To combat spill and participate in clean-up operations at sea and land by providing all facilities available with SLCG

Nomination of Incident Management team members to help Incident Commander and MEPA in combating oil spill at Tier II / III levels and to update NOSCOP

SLCG as the first strike force for an Oil Spill disaster, it has been established four strike teams with well trained personnel on Oil Spill Response and placed each in four regions as of Western, Eastern, Northern and Southern region with sufficient response equipment. The focal warehouse for oil spill equipment is established at CGS Dikovita.

SLCGS Samudraraksha and SLCGS Samaraksha are well equipped ships with marine oil spill response equipment and well trained personnel in handling of oil spill disasters at open sea. These two ships are placed at Colombo harbour as the area is vital for more marine based disasters and ready to sail at 24/7 at short notice.

Being the pioneer in responding to marine oil spill response situations, SLCG has contributed its specialized skills and response equipment in controlling of various marine based oil spill disasters occurred both at sea and inland waters.

Dikovita oil spill – Sep 2018

Dikovita oil spill – Sep 2018

Lunawa Lagoon – December 2015

Heen ela, Kolonnawa – January 2018

A Breath for Marine Species

Sri Lanka is renowned in the world for turtle conservation and Turtle laid eggs are preserved till they are hatched from the eggs at Seven (07) SLCG Turtle conservation sites located all around Sri Lanka. SLCG holds responsibility of saving these species having sole humanity on marine world.

Conservation of turtles, at SLCG Turtle conservation projects around the coastal belt:

Conserved Turtle Eggs
2018 - 4946
2019 - 11347
2020(Jan-Apr) - 4264
Turtles released to Sea
2018 - 3909
2019 - 7366
2020(Jan-Apr) - 2575