The Sri Lanka Coast Guard Life Saving Training School (LSTS) was established in 2012 in
Balapitiya to enhance aquatic safety in Sri Lanka. Since its inception, lifeguards have been
trained through in-house programs and deployed across prominent beach sites, preventing
countless drowning incidents. The SLCG lifeguards not only ensure beach safety but also
contribute to public and social security, supporting the national healthcare system by reducing
aquatic accidents.
Further Sri Lanka Coast Guard Life Saving Training School is official member of Sri Lanka Life Saving Association and Royal Life Saving Society UK.
“Working diligently for saving lives”
“ජීවිත බේරා ගැනීම වෙනුවෙන් කැපවීමෙන් සේවයට”
To enhance water safety and prevent drowning incidents.
Develop and recommend best practices in drowning prevention, aquatic life saving, recovery, and emergency care.
Conduct lifesaving training and educational exchanges of aquatic lifesaving techniques.
Exchange medical and scientific experiences related to aquatic lifesaving.
Promote lifesaving sports and competitions to encourage skill development.
Standardize training, equipment, symbols, and regulations within the aquatic environment
The Lifesaving Training School inaugurated its training by starting a Basic Level lifesaving course on 12th November 2012 with 12 numbers of trainees. At present, the School is facilitated with one classroom which can accommodate 30 trainees, multi-media equipment and training material for the proper conduct of life saving courses. Qualified instructors and examiners conduct all lifesaving courses adhering to standard procedures and guidelines. Theoretical and practical knowledge is given to trainees by using available resources to perform duties as confident life savers. Swimming training is conducted at SLNS Nipuna swimming pool and sea swimming practices are conducting at the Balapitiya beach. All life savers are trained at the Madampe River as well to build confidence to carry out duties in any environment.
Not only Coast Guard personnel but members of the tri forces and civilians are also provided training at LSTS Balapitiya. The Mobile Training Team of the school conducts one day and two days lifesaving awareness programs all over the country.